About Ranyan Inc.

Ranyan is a dedicated digital solution for janitorial companies to help them run their cleaning business smoothly. Ranyan is built by a janitorial team that has been one of the pioneers in commercial cleaning services for two decades. Born out of an in-house janitorial business that needs to simplify the processes, Ranyan has evolved from a homegrown software to an industry-leading product that is now helping janitorial companies take their operational efficiency to the next level. Ranyan is helping janitorial companies:  Win new clients and delight the old ones with the power of digital  Make smarter and faster business decisions to achieve growth  Create paperless workflows to improve time and cost efficiency  Deliver superior quality performance to clients at a lower cost  Boost employee morale, reduce turnover, increase productivity  Lower the rate of employee injuries and downtime  Manage everything digitally in one place for effective control  Replace everyday stress and worry with happiness and profits Speak to a Ranyan specialist today. Call 786-297-8830 or email info@ranyan.com. To learn more, visit www.ranyan.com.

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