IEHA , A Division of ISSA


About IEHA , A Division of ISSA

IEHA - a Division of ISSA - is a 1,300-plus professional member organization offering professional certifications for persons employed in environmental services in the Department of Defense, hospitals and other healthcare organizations worldwide, Hotels worldwide and other facilities at the management and frontline levels. The organization was founded in 1930 in New York City, and is now located in Westerville, Ohio, a suburb of the state’s capitol, Columbus. Executive Housekeepers are managers who direct housekeeping programs in commercial, industrial or institutional facilities. They supervise staffs ranging from a few to several hundred people and handle budgets from a few thousand dollars to millions. IEHA provides members with an array of channels through which they can achieve personal and professional growth. Some are: leadership opportunities; resource materials; education program designation; employment referral service; a Technical question Hotline (1-800-225-4772 - ext. 1374); networking; an annual convention and trade show including several education sessions; and a bimonthly trade publication, ISSA Today and many other benefits.

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