The Contract Cleaning Conundrum: Boosting Business and Building Employee Loyalty

Event Time

Originally Aired - Monday, November 13 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM

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Event Location

Location: Islander I

Event Information

Title: The Contract Cleaning Conundrum: Boosting Business and Building Employee Loyalty


Competition is fierce – both for business and for labor. Contract cleaners need to stand out from the competition to avoid a “race to the bottom” of price when bidding on business. And the labor market has never been more challenging. The “Great Resignation” is real, and arguably no market has been affected more than the professional cleaning sector.  How do you overcome these challenges? By building your brand, positioning your business as a leader and making employees feel valued. 

Attendees of this session will learn:

  • How to effectively position your business as a leader within your target markets
  • Simple strategies and tactics that your team can execute to help you differentiate your business and build brand awareness
  • Tactics for fostering employee loyalty and engagement
  • How to promote employee successes and milestones externally to position your business a leader within your community and drive recruitment

Type: Seminar Day (Monday)

Target Audience: C-Suite,Facility Managers and Supervisors

