How do You Measure the ROI of IAQ?

Event Time

Originally Aired - Monday, November 13 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: Islander I

Event Information

Title: How do You Measure the ROI of IAQ?


 Dinesh is an air quality expert and serial entrepreneur in the technology and life sciences industry. He is the founder and CEO of ThinkLite and works closely with Fortune 500 companies, townships, and enterprises across the globe to improve IAQ.

  • Learn about what is in the air we breathe, and the critical safety metrics you need to be aware of to gauge air safety.

  • Learn about the current state of the indoor air quality monitoring and purification market.

  • Understand the key factors an educational facility must look for to select an effective technology/solution to truly protect its students, faculty, and facilities from airborne transmission and infection.

  • Learn how an organization can calculate its return on investment (ROI) in clean air. With tradeoffs between capital and operational expenditures versus occupant safety.



Type: Seminar Day (Monday)

Target Audience: Contractors/Advisors/Consultants,C-Suite,Emerging Professionals,Facility Managers and Supervisors,Finance

