Certified Workloading Specialist (CWS)

Event Time

Monday, November 18 8:30 AM - 4:00 PM

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Event Information

Title: Certified Workloading Specialist (CWS)


This workshop is ideal for facility service professionals in the industrial, commercial, and public venue sectors of the cleaning industry. Workloading is the foundation of a successful cleaning plan. The strategy and plans are what determines the who, what, when, and how of cleaning needed to meet customer expectations. A work loading strategy provides an opportunity to rebuild the current cleaning culture to one of efficiency, innovation, balanced workload, and high-performance thinking. This course is for the benefit of frontline cleaning workers involved with performing the cleaning functions as well as those that are tasked with making and defending, custodial staffing levels. The goal of work loading is to provide a mathematical and factual basis for stated custodial staffing levels in relation to customer and management expectations of clean.


Attendee Success Results:

Improve workloading processes
Evaluate employee performance according to a set standard
Improve accountability
Identify areas that require improved service levels
Perform calculations using the ISSA Cleaning Times and Tasks Standard
Improve morale and reduce turnover


Member: $999 USD

Non-Member: $1,599 USD

Type: Workshop
