Game On: Is Your Playbook Ready?

Event Time

Originally Aired - Monday, November 18 1:45 PM - 2:45 PM

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Event Location

Location: Islander G, North Convention Center

Event Information

Title: Game On: Is Your Playbook Ready?

Cost: Available to All Access Passes Only


The game is changing! The industry continues to evolve toward more sustainable, efficient, and effective hygiene practices. With the current market trends, there is a growing need to simplify, and select products and practices that deliver optimal results.

In this session, Diversey will demonstrate how to create a playbook of harmonized products, machines & tools, and best practices for success in environmental hygiene.  Where science and selection intersect, and value is created!

Join us as we uncover and address top trends and opportunities for sustainable growth, savings, and improved staff and guest safety.

Type: Seminars


