Productivity in the Real World of Cleaning
Available to All Access Passes Only
We have brought Mike Marks back to talk about the practical side of creating higher productivity as it is applied to cleaning, from product selection and supply chain to application, and maintenance. This session will have many specific examples for facility managers, building service contractors, and distributors. He will even share a few horror stories of self-inflicted wounds.
Participants will learn how to develop benchmarks to answer the question around whether your productivity above, below, or matching competitive standards. There are multiple sources of benchmarking information, but there are also many alternatives to get good data through other methods. Most of the session will focus on actions to improve specific productivity issues, from too little revenue growth from sales reps, excessive use of products, to staff labor productivity issues. This will also include the Frederick Taylor BOOT technique that works well even in very small organizations.
Mike’s session will include many internet research links for those choosing to dive deeper into the subject. Participants will also have an opportunity for a real Q&A discussion to address specific participant concerns. This is a session that you won’t want to miss.