Sustainable Procurement: Lessons Learned & Opportunities Ahead

Event Time

Originally Aired - Wednesday, November 15 10:30 AM - 11:00 AM

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Event Location

Location: Sustainability Hub - Booth#1246

Event Information

Title: Sustainable Procurement: Lessons Learned & Opportunities Ahead


As your organization and more of your customers and prospects invest in sustainable procurement, you are in a unique position to influence your supply chain and increase your market share and wallet share with an informed approach. Learn what’s happening in both public and private sectors, how to adapt to customer demand, and understand the nuances of various buyers in the realm of sustainability to help meet their needs while avoiding greenwashing and without sacrificing performance.

Speaker: Roger McFadden, McFadden & Associates


Type: Sustainability Hub

Target Audience: Contractors/Advisors/Consultants,Emerging Professionals,Women in the Industry

