Personal Protective Equipment Selection

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, November 14 11:00 AM - 11:30 AM

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Event Location

Location: Solve for X Theater - Booth #1477

Event Information

Title: Personal Protective Equipment Selection


I have observed that the selection of Personal Protective Equipment(PPE) is not understood. Critical in the correct selection of Personal Protective Equipment is the development of the Job Hazard Analysis. This is often overlooked which will undermine the entire Personal Protective Program.

In handling chemicals the manufacturer recommends in the Safety Data Sheets what is their requirements in the the handling of their product or process. A review of Safety Data Sheets and the information provided in the informative sections.

Additional areas of PPE will be discussed to provide grater insight into OSHA enforcement of PPE. This also will help in understanding the Cleaning Industry Management Standard(CIMS-GB) Section 4.1.3, which specifically requires a written program on how PPE is selected in a cleaning operation.

Target Audience: Facility Managers and Supervisors

