Scope 3 is here, and we need to talk

Event Time

Originally Aired - Tuesday, November 14 1:30 PM - 2:00 PM

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Event Location

Location: Sustainability Hub - Booth#1246

Event Information

Title: Scope 3 is here, and we need to talk


Seminar session on how our industry needs to start disclosing the GHG Scope 3 emissions. 
30-minute presentation with inspirational Nilfisk examples and 15 minutes for opening the discussion and questions: 

The world needs sustainable companies. 
If we want to solve the climate crisis acting on scope 3 is critical. However, for many companies scope 3 is still a new term. A company’s greenhouse gas emissions can be divided into three different scopes:

Scope 1 emissions stem from the company’s owned or controlled sources. For example, from the gas used for the manufacturing of products or fuel for transportation, etc.

Scope 2 emissions are indirect emissions that come from electricity or the heating of buildings – energy that is bought externally.

Scope 3 emissions are indirect emissions related to the value chain and activities connected to either suppliers or clients. These emissions are beyond the direct control of the company itself. On average, 75% of all company emissions are indirect and can be defined as scope 3 emissions. And that’s why we need to ramp up the conversation about the importance of scope 3.

At Nilfisk we want to push our industry. By 2030 Nilfisk is therefore committed to reducing 48% of our greenhouse gas emissions per gross profit unit from the use of sold products.

Type: Sustainability Hub

Target Audience: C-Suite,Sales & Marketing,Sourcing (Buyers/Purchasing/R&D)

