They'll Buy the Outcome - Not Who or Why or How You Clean!
Available to All Access Passes Only
The worst thing for marketing and sales to talk about is the thing that feels most important and natural to us.
We want to talk clean, in all its details and intricacies. Our process. The chemicals and equipment. Our people and their certifications. Even our training and accreditations.
Those feel important to us because those are the details that we know are important to helping us execute consistently and precisely on our commitments to maintain a facility.
But here's the harsh truth. Those don't matter to our buyer.
The only thing that matters to the buyer is that cleaning and maintenance are topics they never hear about during the contract. It should be transparent. The outcome they seek is that everything works; that all building services are managed proactively and never end up on their desk.
When we talk about "our stuff" we sound like our competitors. When we talk about "their outcomes" we sound unique, we add value, we reframe conversations, and we win business.
In this session we'll explore why it's so important, and so hard, to focus on them in our marketing and sales. We'll explore the impact of buying teams, risk aversion, and changing buying habits. And we'll cover the specific steps you need to take to shift your culture to empower your marketing and sales teams to succeed.
All your technique and process details are critical to achieving the outcomes your buyers expect, but not to how they buy. Let's start to market and sell in a way that reflects what's important to our prospects!